Best Yorkshire Wedding Photography 2017
Wow, what a year! I never thought, way back last January, that I would be posting my very own “Best Of 2017” wedding photography highlights but here it is and who knew it would be so god damn hard choosing the pictures!
First off I would like to say a massive thank you and congratulations again to all my incredible couples. You trusted me, allowed me to capture your amazing wedding stories and then share them with the entire world. For that I am eternally grateful. Your weddings were fab, your guests were welcoming and I genuinely feel like I have gained a whole new bunch of friends! Without you guys this gallery wouldn’t even exist. You all officially rock!
I would also like to thank all the venues I have shot at this year. Not the actual buildings but the incredible staff who work tirelessly in them, making sure everything runs smoothly for the couples, their guests and myself on these important days. There have been many times when I have done or asked for some weird and wonderful things and although often met with a odd expression (taking my shoes off during a ceremony so I didn’t clonk around the grand hall at Clay House!) you are always welcoming, accommodating and super helpful which in turn just makes my job easier and allows me to crack on being creative. Cheers!
Finally I’d like to thank my girls. My wonderful wife Kerrie and our darling daughter Darcie. 2017 has been my busiest and most challenging year ever, not only for shooting weddings but with my nightlife and entertainment work too. The days have been long and the editing nights very, very late but you are both always there with coffee and cuddles which never fails to put a smile on my face and it just makes me realise how lucky I am!
Although this isn’t my first year shooting weddings, it has arguably felt like it and has definitely been the most important so far. I’ve dealt with my highest number of bookings, completely re-branded, refined my shooting style, refined my editing style, learnt enormous amounts about business and time-management, discovered a love for strong coffee, experienced my first “double” (shooting a full day wedding and then another the very next day), witnessed some incredible moments, captured some stunning portraits and hung out with some truly amazing people both at weddings and in my great ‘tog friend group! It’s been great putting this selection of highlights together and it really hit home how cool it is and how privileged I feel to call myself a wedding photographer!
If the pictures go a little fast then they are posted below in all their glory and if you find yourself wondering why I set the highlights to a Drum and Bass version of Ed Sheehan’s “Shape Of You”, well…why the hell not!!
Thank you 2017, you’ve been a right laugh!